


Case Studies


Aug 21, 2024

13 Truly Unique Employee Retention Software + How To Use Them

[In-depth analysis]

Klaus Julin


Most HR professionals I speak with consider employee retention software when manually identifying or fixing gaps in their retention strategy becomes unsustainable.

They can easily spot obvious issues—such as losing key performers to competitive pay—but struggle to proactively engage the subtle signs leading up to an employee’s exit. Did the employee become less proactive and shy away from new challenges? Could that churn have been avoided with an all-hands meeting, another virtual dinner, or adjusting compensation? 

Manually collecting feedback and figuring out the right course of action is a mentally and physically draining guessing game. This is where software tools come into play.

Interestingly, though, no one ever says, 'Hey, Klaus, can you recommend an employee retention software?' That’s because there’s no single tool responsible for employee retention.

To help your search, we’ve carefully reviewed 13 of the top tools to bolster your employee retention program and grouped them into seven distinct categories, depending on where your strategy needs the most support.

Here’s Our Top Picks for Employee Retention Software

1. Introist - Power-up Your Retention Strategy With Advanced Automation

Introist helps HR teams transform employee experience with advanced automation. We know inefficient manual HR tasks drain time, resources, and energy. They also negatively impact the employee experience, hinder operational efficiency, and silently hold back a company's growth. 

That's why we built Introist—to tackle these inefficiencies head-on with smart automation solutions. Our platform provides a user-friendly interface that automates repetitive HR processes quickly and efficiently, boosting productivity, improving the employee experience, and fostering organizational growth.

Introist Supports Your Employee Retention Strategy in 4 Key Areas

  1. Automate Onboarding for the Entire Probation Period

When onboarding is manual, it's easy for key steps to be overlooked, which can leave new hires feeling lost, overwhelmed, or disengaged. For your retention strategy to be successful, it's crucial to get onboarding right—especially during the probation period, when employees are forming their first impressions of the company.

Introist - How to automate the onboarding of new employees with Introist

How Introist helps

Introist transforms the onboarding experience by automating tasks and delivering crucial information at just the right time. Once a contract is signed, you can:

  • Schedule personalized welcome letters

  • Automatically arrange meetings with managers 

  • Send personalized messages to employees across platforms like email, Slack, or Teams

  • Customize reminders and updates for managers and stakeholders

  • Automatically match new hires with buddies and mentors for rapid orientation

  • Grant access to critical systems

  • Schedule notification to set up credit cards and other essentials 

That way, Introist automates onboarding for the entire probation period, ensuring an experience that's compliant, efficient, and also employee-friendly– setting the tone for long-term engagement.

  1. Automate Employee Well-Being with Timely Actions

Monitoring sick leave, workloads, and overall employee satisfaction plays a crucial role in preventing burnout and fostering a healthy work environment. When employees feel that their workload is being managed and their well-being is a priority, they're more likely to stay engaged, loyal, and productive, contributing to long-term retention.

How Introist helps

Introist simplifies the monitoring of sick leaves and workloads with automated actions that ensure both transparency and accountability. Employees and managers can define thresholds for key metrics, such as maximum overtime hours or acceptable levels of sick leave.

That way, they are kept informed of any triggers, such as exceeding overtime or taking too much sick leave. And when intervention is needed, Introist provides timely information, automates meetings, and keeps HR in the loop, ensuring no one is overburdened and everyone feels supported.

With these features and more, HR managers who automate employee well-being with Introist can:

  • Stay engaged with each employee and express care through personalized messaging

  • Identify potential burnout risks through regular well-being checks and workload assessments.

  • Gather valuable feedback to identify areas for improvement and enhance job satisfaction.

👉See Introist’s Employee Well-being Solution in Action.

  1. Absences and Vacation: Ensure continuity during absences

Here’s a no-fun fact: One in six employees (16 percent) are actively looking for a new job, and almost half (46 percent) would consider a better job opportunity even if they weren’t actively looking. The chances that an employee might not return from a “quick sick leave” are highly likely.

That’s why, in addition to other employment engagement programs, effective leave management is crucial for employee satisfaction and retention. When employees feel confident that their roles are covered during their absence, they are more likely to return refreshed and engaged. 

How Introist Helps

Introist automates the entire leave management process, ensuring that everything from approvals to task delegation happens seamlessly in two steps. 

  • Detection: As soon as leave is approved within your HR tools, Introist automatically detects the leave type and initiates a light offboarding process for the departing employee. It also prepares for their return by coordinating the necessary tasks for a smooth reintegration.

  • Actions: Introist ensures that all critical tasks are performed promptly. This includes notifying managers to delegate responsibilities, keeping employees in the loop, and tracking actions for compliance. The system maintains a complete record of every action taken during the leave process to protect the business from potential compliance risks.

With Introist, HR, and managers guarantee that the organization continues to run efficiently while employees are on leave, no matter the type of absence. This proactive approach supports retention by respecting employees’ needs and safeguarding the organization against operational disruptions.

  1. Create an automated employee offboarding experience

Offboarding is a complex and time-consuming process involving numerous stakeholders and interrelated tasks. When handled manually, it often leads to inconsistent experiences, forgotten tasks, and significant security risks due to delays in revoking system access or retrieving company assets. 

Beyond these immediate concerns, poor offboarding can incur unnecessary administrative costs and sap HR resources. That experience negatively impacts employee morale and employer branding– after all, how you treat an employee on their way out shapes the perception of those who stay. 

How Introist Helps

Introist transforms offboarding processes by automating critical tasks that ensure a respectful, efficient, and secure employee departure. Specifically, it streamlines the following critical offboarding operations: 

  • Automate personalized offboarding messages to departing employees across platforms, such as email, Slack, or Teams.

  • Safely schedule exit interviews and handover sessions by automatically coordinating availability between departing employees and managers.

  • Automatically reminds and prompts key stakeholders—such as managers, People Ops, and IT—to complete necessary offboarding tasks.

That way, Introist not only protects your organization from security risks and inefficiencies but also preserves your employer brand, ensuring that the departure is just as positive as the time spent within the company.

Why Choose Introist to Automate Core Employee Retention Tactics

  1. Automate Routine Administrative Tasks

Routine administrative tasks are the backbone of any successful employee retention strategy. When handled manually, these tasks can create bottlenecks, increase errors, and cause frustration for both HR teams and employees. 

Introist offers tools that transform these retention-killing manual tasks into efficient, streamlined processes. This ensures your team can focus on what really matters—keeping your employees engaged and satisfied.

  1. Create Consistent Processes

Employee retention initiatives like onboarding, training, performance reviews, and feedback collection can vary significantly without technology, depending on who runs the process. Some employees might receive a seamless onboarding experience, while others may feel neglected or confused. 

Introist standardizes these processes, ensuring every new hire receives the same high-quality experience, and building trust and reliability. With Introist, you can:

  • Define clear roles and responsibilities

  • Create traceable and compliant processes

  • Deliver a consistent employee experience

  1. Stay Organized and Scalable in Your Retention Program

As your company grows, managing employee retention becomes increasingly complex. Without a scalable and organized approach, even the best technology can fall short. HR teams may find themselves overwhelmed, leading to inefficiencies and a potential return to traditional, less effective processes.

Introist’s automation enables HR teams to efficiently manage a growing workforce without increasing their workload. It facilitates process improvement and centralizes communication, ensuring your retention strategy remains robust and adaptable, even as you scale.

  1. Use Your Current Tools

One of the biggest challenges in employee retention is managing the various tools and systems required to keep track of everything. Tech overload can lead to inefficiencies and a fragmented approach.

Introist integrates smoothly with your existing stack, including HRIS, ATS, and communication tools. This integration allows you to activate automated processes in response to real-time people data updates, leading to:

  • More real-time employee experience management and less reactive, ineffective operations

  • More time to focus on developing genuine human-to-human relationships that build affinity, rather than juggling multiple software platforms

  • More employee satisfaction and retention, and less silent quitting and churn

Introist Key Features

  • Automated onboarding 

  • Proactive well-being management

  • Integration

  • Absence management

  • Offboarding


  • Become proactive with employee well-being management

  • Setup long-term employee orientation 

  • Facilitate friendship and mentorship that last

  • Have more confidence to have difficult but essential conversations

  • Save time by automating recurring tasks and data collection

  • Automated scheduling

Introist pricing

Introist's pricing is determined by your company's size. You'll pay a platform fee plus the cost of any extra modules you choose. This model lets you only pay for what you use, making it cost-effective and scalable.

Want to estimate your costs? Use our pricing calculator for a quick overview. For personalized pricing or to learn more, schedule a demo with our team.

2. Inclusivv - Create Brave Spaces for Meaningful Conversations

Inclusivv helps organizations create an environment where employees feel empowered to engage in meaningful, structured conversations that lead to stronger connections, greater trust, and lasting cultural change. 

The platform offers people leaders and brand managers a structured way to initiate small-group discussions, both in-person and online, around challenging and important topics. That way,  it enables employees, managers, and HR teams to openly address difficult issues, breaking down barriers that often prevent honest dialogue in the workplace. 

Why it matters to retention

A strong sense of belonging is a key driver of employee satisfaction and retention. Research shows that employees who feel a strong sense of belonging see a 56% increase in job performance, a 50% reduction in turnover risk, and a 75% decrease in sick days. 

Unfortunately, many organizations struggle with creating spaces where employees feel safe to express their honest feelings, particularly when it comes to difficult conversations.

The traditional methods of employee engagement, such as all-hands meetings or virtual events, often fail because they don’t foster real, honest dialogue. Employees may attend these gatherings but rarely feel comfortable sharing their true thoughts and concerns. 

Therefore, Inclusivv makes it easier to tackle sensitive conversations that typically get ignored or mishandled, encouraging a culture of open communication and mutual respect.

Key Features

  • Facilitator Guides & Templates: Tools to help hosts confidently open up conversations and lead them productively.

  • Structured and Science-Backed System: A proven framework for holding discussions that lead to real change.

  • Regular Surveys: Keep track of the impact of these conversations on employee morale and engagement.


  • Clarity on Contribution: Helps employees see how their work fits into the organization's bigger picture, enhancing their sense of purpose.

  • Leadership Accountability: Ensures that leadership is held responsible for maintaining a positive workplace culture.

  • Employee Empowerment: Encourages employees to express their honest thoughts and feelings, fostering a stronger sense of belonging and engagement.


Introist pricing starts at $120/ year for leaders who want to provide access to brave spaces for conversation on big topics. It can cost up to $3,000/month to launch your community conversations.

3. Checkr - Ensure Person-organization fit Before Hiring

Checkr is an AI-powered platform designed to streamline background screening, helping companies fill roles faster and make more informed hiring decisions.

Traditional background checks often produce static results that quickly become outdated. However, Checkr’s proprietary data network continually pulls from multiple criminal data sources and processes millions of background checks each month. This allows the platform to keep you updated on any new, reportable charges connected to your workforce, long after the initial check is complete.

Why it matters to retention

Retention begins with hiring the right people. Ensuring that a candidate is not only qualified but also aligns with your organization’s values and policies is crucial to long-term success. However traditional background checks often produce static results that quickly become outdated.

This upfront diligence helps prevent future issues that could lead to turnover, ensuring that those who are hired are a strong fit for your company culture and compliance standards.

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Background Check Intelligence: Leverages machine learning to analyze background checks efficiently and effectively.

  • Real-Time Data Network: Continuously updates with new, reportable information, keeping background checks current even after hiring.

  • Background Check API Core: Provides an adaptable integration into your hiring process, bringing efficiency and accuracy.


  • Standardized Charge Data: Automatically standardizes charge data for consistency and clarity across background checks.

  • Accurate ETAs: Accurately predict when background check reports will be completed, improving the hiring timeline.

  • Compliance Support: Helps you stay compliant with local, state, and federal laws through dynamic updates.


Checkr’s quickest and most basic plan starts from $29.99/check

4. Navabenefits - Manage every step of your employee benefits lifecycle

4. Navabenefits - Manage every step of your employee benefits lifecycle

Navabenefits is a comprehensive employee benefits management platform that handles every phase of your employee benefits lifecycle, from renewals to administration to employee support.

With a customized renewal playbook tailored to your company’s unique needs, Nava helps you automate renewals, expand beyond traditional benefit options, and make well-timed, strategic decisions with less stress.

Why it matters to retention

Employee pay and benefits are crucial factors in job satisfaction and retention. Despite pay and benefits only being identified as the primary reason for leaving in 16% of cases in 2023, a large percentage of employees remain confused about their benefits. Approximately 80% of employees don’t fully understand what’s in their benefits plans, leading to dissatisfaction and potential turnover.

Nava addresses this issue by automating and streamlining the benefits process. It makes renewals stress-free and error-free so that companies make smarter decisions and enhance the employee experience by offering clarity and support in navigating their benefits.

Key Features

  • Renewal Strategy: Automate the renewal process with a customized playbook, ensuring strategic decisions and preventing surprises.

  • Benefits Administration: Streamline back-office tasks, automating audits to detect errors and eliminate overcharges.

  • Member Support: Provide employees with intuitive tools and easy-to-reach benefit experts, simplifying the understanding of benefits.


  • Automated Renewal Process: Customized strategies reduce stress and prevent unexpected issues.

  • Automated Auditing: Ensure accuracy between systems and carriers to avoid errors and overcharges.

  • Interactive Benefits Wallet: Bring together all employee benefits, from insurance to company perks, in an easy-to-navigate platform.


Pricing available upon demo.

5. Cornerstone - Provide Modern Learning Experience for Employee Development

5. Cornerstone - Provide Modern Learning Experience for Employee Development

Cornerstone believes modern work requires modern learning. It helps companies personalize the learning experience by offering a platform that meets employees where they work, catering to their specific roles, career paths, and skill needs. 

The system uses AI-powered features to detect skill gaps, automatically source relevant content, and curate learning and career pathways for employees. This ensures that employees are not only engaged in their current roles but also supported in their professional development.

Why it matters to retention

Employee development plays a significant role in retention. Research shows that high-potential employees are more likely to be attracted to new jobs by opportunities to learn new skills (71% vs. 60%). 

By providing opportunities for skill development and career progression through platforms like Cornerstone, companies can retain top talent and reduce the risk of employees leaving for better opportunities elsewhere. 

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Skill-Gap Detection: Identify gaps in employee skills to provide relevant learning opportunities.

  • Automatic Web-Sourced Content: Continuously update training materials from reliable sources across the web.

  • Auto-Curated Career and Learning Pathways: Tailor development paths to individual employees’ goals and roles.

  • Engagement and Skills Reporting: Track progress and engagement, ensuring employees are growing in the right direction.


  • Deliver personalized learning content suited to each employee’s unique tasks and career goals.

  • Offer a variety of modern learning formats (e.g., podcasts, videos, books, articles).

  • Provide career exploration tools that allow employees to see the potential learning paths and growth opportunities available to them.

  • Highlight skill gaps, show employees what skills are in demand, and outline steps to advance their careers.


Pricing available upon demo.

6. Innform - A Cost-Effective LMS for Comprehensive Training

6. Innform - A Cost-Effective LMS for Comprehensive Training

Innform is an affordable Learning Management System (LMS) designed to cater to the training needs of organizations of all sizes. It offers a centralized platform for creating, delivering, and tracking training content.

With Innform, you can develop and distribute online courses, monitor learner progress, and gather performance data.

Key features

  • Authoring tool: Create engaging training materials with various content formats.

  • Learning experience: Deliver training content effectively through the platform.

  • Tracking and reporting: Monitor learner progress, course completion rates, and performance metrics.

  • Quizzes: Assess learner knowledge and understanding.   


  • Cost-effective: Offers a competitive price point compared to other LMS solutions.

  • User-friendly: Intuitive interface for easy navigation and content creation.

  • Comprehensive features: Provides essential LMS functionalities without unnecessary complexities.

  • Scalability: Accommodates businesses of different sizes and training needs.


Price per user, starting from $1.40/per user/month.

7. Workhuman - Fuel Employee Performance with Peer-to-Peer Recognition

7. Workhuman - Fuel Employee Performance with Peer-to-Peer Recognition

Workhuman empowers employees to recognize and reward one another for their hard work, creating a culture of appreciation and engagement across your organization.

With customizable Team Awards, employees can celebrate big wins together, and program leaders can ensure that recognition reflects the organization's values.

Why it matters to retention to retention

Recognition is more than just saying "thanks"; it’s a strategic tool for retention. One Gallup research estimates that a 10,000-person company can save up to $16.1M in turnover costs annually by investing in recognition programs. 

More so, recognition doesn’t just make people feel good—it directly impacts key business metrics. For example, doubling the number of employees who receive recognition each week can lead to significant gains in productivity and reduce absenteeism, further driving ROI.

Workhuman’s Social Recognition software brings employee recognition to the forefront of your company’s success, promoting positive behaviors, building community, and boosting performance. It’s about creating a magnetic workplace culture that not only engages and retains top talent but also drives business success.

Key Features

  • Integrations: Enable recognition directly within the flow of work with Microsoft Teams, Outlook, Slack, and Workday.

  • Service Milestones: Celebrate key moments like anniversaries and tenure milestones.

  • Life Events: Acknowledge personal milestones, creating a deeper connection between employees.

  • Community Celebrations: Foster a sense of belonging with regular team and organizational celebrations.

  • Inclusion Advisor: Ensure inclusive recognition practices across the organization.


  • Reduced Turnover: Save millions annually by making recognition a central part of your company culture.

  • Improved Productivity: Drive massive gains in employee productivity through frequent recognition.

  • Safer Workplaces: Reduce safety incidents and create a vigilant, secure work environment.

  • Decreased Absenteeism: Foster well-being and lower absenteeism with consistent, meaningful recognition.


Pricing available upon demo.

8. WorkTango – Reveal Key Insights With Unlimited Employee Surveys

8. WorkTango – Reveal Key Insights With Unlimited Employee Surveys

WorkTango empowers organizations to measure employee engagement and experience throughout the entire employee lifecycle. It simplifies the process of creating and deploying surveys with research-backed questions and templates, allowing companies to gather feedback on a more frequent basis. 

The feedback is delivered to leaders and managers through sophisticated, intuitive reports and dashboards, making it easy to identify sentiment within direct reports and hierarchies. This allows HR and managers to uncover themes and focus areas that drive actionable insights, ensuring that the voice of the employee is heard regularly.

Why it matters to retention

Employee surveys are crucial for retention, but traditional annual surveys are often too broad and infrequent to capture timely insights. Organizations need to understand what employees think about leadership and the direction of the company in real-time to make proactive changes. 

WorkTango helps companies shift from relying solely on one annual survey to a more agile, pulse survey approach, gathering valuable feedback continuously. This timely data gives HR and managers a clearer, ongoing picture of employee expectations and morale, helping to identify and address issues before they lead to turnover.

Key Features

  • Employee Lifecycle Surveys: Measure key moments in the employee journey, from onboarding to exit.

  • Employee Engagement Surveys: Regularly track engagement to identify areas for improvement.

  • Dashboards & Insights: Visualize feedback with customizable reports that show sentiment by group, location, or department.

  • Action Planning: Turn survey results into actionable strategies to boost retention and satisfaction.

  • Anonymous Conversations: Enable authentic, confidential feedback from employees to ensure honest responses.

  • Benchmarks: Compare your organization's results against industry standards.


  • Unlimited Surveys: Deploy as many surveys as needed across desktop or mobile for a smooth, user-friendly experience.

  • Targeted Measurement: Drill down into engagement by group, location, department, or team for more precise insights.

  • Lifecycle Insights: Track feedback across the entire employee lifecycle with customizable survey templates.

  • High Participation Rates: Encourage authentic feedback and maintain confidentiality to boost participation.


Pricing available upon demo.

9. Trakstar - Purpose-Built Performance Management Software

9. Trakstar - Purpose-Built Performance Management Software

Trakstar is a performance management software that empowers companies to create performance reviews that align directly with organizational goals and objectives. It does that by offering a suite of specialized tools that simplify performance assessments, goal setting, and talent management.

That way, Trakstar helps managers and HR leaders engage their workforce and track progress effectively.

Why It Matters to Retention

Retention hinges on consistent employee engagement and clear performance expectations, especially in diverse work environments with remote teams, multiple shifts, or large employee bases.

Trakstar addresses the difficulty of truly knowing each employee’s performance by facilitating regular, structured feedback and continuous development opportunities. 

With performance reviews, managers can not only check in with employees but also engage them with real-time feedback, collaborative goal setting, and a clear path for growth. This transparency and regular interaction reduce uncertainty and disengagement, helping to keep employees on track and satisfied in their roles.

Key Features

  • Performance Reviews: Regularly assess and provide feedback on employee performance.

  • Engagement Surveys: Measure and boost employee engagement through focused surveys.

  • Goal Setting & Tracking: Set clear goals for employees and track their progress towards achieving them.

  • 360° Review Feedback: Gather feedback from peers, managers, and direct reports for a holistic performance view.

  • Automated Reminders: Send automatic notifications to keep performance reviews on track.

  • Detailed Reporting with Insights: Generate insightful reports that help managers make data-driven decisions about their workforce.


  • Develop a High-Performance Culture: Encourage accountability and continuous growth through structured performance management.

  • Align Expectations Across Your Workforce: Standardize expectations and performance metrics to ensure fairness and transparency.


Pricing available upon demo.

10. Enboarder - Onboarding Experience for Long-term Growth

10. Enboarder - Onboarding Experience for Long-term Growth

Enboarder is a comprehensive onboarding platform designed to foster meaningful connections between new hires and their organization. It provides a structured and engaging onboarding experience that helps companies build a strong foundation for long-term employee success.

Key features

  • Connections: Facilitates employee introductions, team building, and mentorship programs to create a sense of belonging.

  • Journeys: Offers customizable workflows to guide new hires through their onboarding process, ensuring a personalized experience.

  • Insights: Provides analytics and reporting to measure onboarding effectiveness and inform strategic decisions.

  • Integration: Connects with various HR systems to streamline data flow, with a current limitation of BambooHR for HRIS integration.


  • Personalized onboarding: Creates tailored experiences for new hires.

  • User-friendly interface: Simplifies onboarding management for HR teams.

  • Dedicated customer support: Offers assistance and guidance throughout the implementation process.


Enboarder is priced on the higher side with a starting price of $9950 per year. For detailed pricing, you’re required to book a demo.

11. Vocalvideo - Promote Positive Employer Brand With Remote Video Testimonials

11. Vocalvideo - Promote Positive Employer Brand With Remote Video Testimonials

Vocal Video is an end-to-end video recording software designed to simplify the process of creating high-quality employee testimonial videos. The platform allows you to record, edit, and share employee stories quickly and affordably, without the need for expensive tech or production crews. 

To create a video, simply send a link to your employees, who can then record their responses to preset questions from their phone, tablet, or laptop. This approach promotes a positive employer brand through authentic video testimonials, all while saving time, and money, and reducing the technical complexity of video production.

Why It Matters to Retention

Retaining top talent in today’s workforce demands more than free snacks or modern office spaces. In the post-Great Resignation era, employees are seeking meaningful connections with their colleagues and organizations.

According to research from Glassdoor (2022), employees increasingly want transparency, accountability, and the opportunity to have their voices heard. Furthermore, studies from CIPD project a rise in demand for responsible business practices and diversity and inclusion by 2030.

Vocal Video helps companies meet these expectations by amplifying employee voices through testimonial videos. When employees feel included, valued, and proud to promote their company, it strengthens the employer brand and fosters a deeper connection to the organization.

This, in turn, contributes to a reduction in turnover, lowers recruitment costs, and attracts a higher quality of candidates—ultimately supporting retention efforts.

Key Features

  • Record Anytime, Anywhere: Employees can record their testimonials from any device, at their convenience.

  • Expert-Crafted Templates: Ready-to-use templates make video creation simple and professional.

  • Pro-Style Videos with Ease: Automatically generate polished videos with branded themes.

  • Turn Audio into Videos: Convert audio recordings into visually engaging, branded video content.


  • Easy to Use: No technical expertise required; anyone can record and produce high-quality videos.

  • Cost-Efficient: Eliminates the need for expensive production equipment and crews.


$44/month Billed annually at $528

12. Teamtailor - Boost Employer Branding with an ATS Focused Approach

12. Teamtailor - Boost Employer Branding with an ATS Focused Approach

Teamtailor is a recruitment platform designed to help organizations enhance their employer brand by combining the power of an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) with employer branding tools. Unlike VocalVideo, which uses testimonial videos to showcase company culture, Teamtailor focuses on creating a seamless, branded experience for candidates throughout the hiring process. 

Teamtailor offers features like a tailored candidate experience, allowing companies to engage with potential hires through automated nurture campaigns and candidate chat widgets. It also enables you to build a bespoke career site that highlights your culture, benefits, and happy employees, giving candidates all the information they need to connect with your company.

Why it matters to retention

Employer branding is crucial for attracting and retaining talent. A strong brand helps build trust and excitement among potential and current employees, leading to better retention rates. By focusing on ATS-based branding, Teamtailor ensures that candidates have a positive experience from the moment they interact with your company. 

Key Features

  • Employer Branding: Showcase your company’s unique culture, benefits, and values through a personalized career site.

  • ATS: Manage the recruitment process efficiently with a powerful ATS that automates workflows and communication.


  • No-Code Career Site: Easily create a customized career site without the need for coding skills.

  • Integrated Job Boards & Social Channels: Expand your reach by posting jobs directly to multiple platforms.

  • Mobile-Friendly Applications: Make it easy for candidates to apply on any device, improving accessibility and convenience.


Pricing available upon demo.

13. Sixfifty - Automate the Creation of Essential Legal Documents

13. Sixfifty - Automate the Creation of Essential Legal Documents

SixFifty provides a streamlined solution for automating the creation of legal documents needed to hire, manage, and separate from employees. With step-by-step guidance, the platform asks users the same questions a lawyer would when preparing legal documents, using the answers to generate tailored, compliant materials.

Why it matters to retention

Compliance with labor laws is critical for employee trust and retention, as it ensures fair treatment and prevents potential legal issues that can lead to dissatisfaction or even turnover. However legal and compliance issues are often ignored because they are tedious and costly. 

SixFifty solves this problem by providing affordable, essential compliance tools at every stage of employment. By automating employment law research, creating employment agreements, and managing employee separation documents, SixFifty enables HR teams to focus on more strategic tasks. 

Key Features

  • State Addenda Builder: Customize documents based on specific state laws.

  • Multi-State Employee Handbook Builder: Create compliant employee handbooks across multiple states.

  • Hiring Documents: Generate offer letters, agreements, and comprehensive hiring kits.

  • Separation Documents: Create compliant separation and release agreements, notices, and more.

  • Policy Library: Access 70+ customizable policies for your organization.

  • Exempt/Non-Exempt Analyzer: Determine correct employee classification for wage compliance.

  • Job Description Builder: Create detailed and compliant job descriptions effortlessly.


  • Ensure Compliant Hiring: Streamline hiring processes while ensuring legal compliance in any state.

  • Comprehensive Document Access: Access to over 100 customizable documents, policies, and research tools.

  • Unlimited Document Generation: Create as many legal documents as needed without additional cost.

  • Unlimited Users: Provide access to all relevant team members.

  • Automated Legal Updates: Stay compliant with the latest legal changes automatically.


Pricing available upon demo.

How To Choose The Right Employee Retention Software

How To Choose The Right Employee Retention Software

The right employee retention software is the one that supports your retention program sustainably. So, before you go to the market, you want to be crystal clear about where your retention program needs improvement. 

  • Conduct a Needs Assessment: Identify where your retention strategy needs improvement, whether it's onboarding, engagement, or performance management.

  • Prioritize Must-Have Features: Based on your needs, create a list of essential features and ensure the software integrates with your existing HR systems and can scale with your company.

  • Evaluate Budget and Resources: Set a realistic budget and assess whether your team has the capacity to implement and maintain the software.

  • Research and Compare Options: Explore vendors, review demos and trials, and evaluate customer support to ensure the software meets your needs.

  • Make an Informed Decision: Involve key stakeholders, consider future retention needs, and choose software that aligns with your goals and budget.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is employee retention software?

Employee retention software is any digital tool that supports an organization’s employee retention strategy by simplifying how it identifies and mitigates factors that might lead to employee turnover. 

But these tools don’t come packaged as an employee retention product. Instead, they come in the form of software that assists in managing key activities in onboarding, performance management, employee engagement, professional development, recognition, etc. 

Therefore, they bolster your retention strategy by providing data-driven insights, automating processes, facilitating open communication, etc, so that your HR and people ops team become more proactive in identifying and reacting against trends that often lead to productive and talented employees walking away.

What is an employee retention strategy/program?

Employee retention strategy is an organization’s documented and measurable plan to keep productive and talented employees engaged, satisfied, and committed to the company over the long term. 

A successful employee retention strategy helps your organization:

  • reduce turnover, 

  • minimize the cost of hiring and training new employees, 

  • maintain a stable and productive workforce, and 

  • become more competitive. 

How do I create an employee retention program?

To create an employee retention program, start by analyzing the reasons employees leave your organization. Gather feedback through surveys, exit interviews, and performance reviews.

Use these insights to identify key areas of improvement, such as onboarding, employee engagement, recognition, or career development. Develop targeted initiatives that address these pain points and implement tools like employee retention software to track and enhance your strategy. 

How do you track employee retention?

You track employee retention by measuring the number of employees who stay with the company over a specific period. Calculate the retention rate by dividing the number of employees at the start of the period by the number who remain at the end, then multiply by 100.

Additionally, use employee surveys, performance management systems, and exit interviews to gather data on employee sentiment, identify potential risks, and adjust your retention strategy proactively.

What is a good employee retention rate?

A good employee retention rate typically falls between 85% and 90%. However, this can vary by industry and company size.

Higher retention rates indicate that employees are staying with the company longer, while lower rates may signal underlying issues with engagement, work environment, or leadership that need to be addressed.

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